Medical Dispenser in Cosmofarma 2013

Publicación: Feb 17, 2025

Categoría: News

Entrada Cosmofarma 2013Fagor Healthcare presented Medical Dispenser in Cosmofarma 2013 from 19 to 21 April in Bologna (Italy), which aroused great interest among the attendees who visited us on Stand C79 of our partner PM FARMA di PIPPO MICHELE.

Cosmofarma is the most important exhibition in Italy for pharmacy-related services and products. The fair was held within Pharmexpo during the week of innovation in the world of pharmacy, and which also co-starred with Pharmintech 2013 specialized in pharmacy and beauty products which took place from 17 to 19 April.

It is the first time we take part in the fair, and the first impression we had was the high number of exhibitors, and the big display made by all of them in each of the stands. We would also like to highlight the excellent organization of the fair, which was backed up with a large influx of visitors during the three days. Among the most prominent services we can find devices designed to provide health services and also the always present automated storage systems.

The great debate underlying in the sector at a European level and also in Italy, is how to change from a medicine based Blister Preparadopaid system to a service-based pay system. However controversial aspects such as the liberalization of the pharmacies were treated. This subject is, highly topical, especially in Spain.

For us, the show has had the dual purpose of analyzing the MDS market in Italy and to present Medical Dispenser in to the pharmacy sector to seek point of views. First, we found out with surprise that there was no Monitorated Dosage Systems (MDS), not manual or automated. This indicates that the service is not known and that it is even limited by law. Secondly, we have discovered the interest of pharmacists in our system, although there was some reluctance about the current limitations in the legislation.

Therefore, our assessment of Cosmofarma 2013 is positive for the welcome made by pharmacists, but we have to deepen in the current legislation to clear the doubts raised by the pharmaceutical stakeholders.

Thanks to everyone who visited us in Cosmofarma, and see you next year…

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