Fagor Healthcare in Infarma 2013

Publicación: Feb 17, 2025

Categoría: News

Fagor Healthcare attended the European Meeting of Pharmacy – INFARMA 2013 which this year took place in Barcelona from the 5th to 7th of March. Fagor Healthcare aroused great interest among the attendees who visited us in order to get to know Medical Dispenser and discover the rest of novelties presented at our stand.

Medical Dispenser, the new personalized service for dispensing medicines, was the star once again. Many pharmacists told us it was a perfect product for their pharmacies, allowing them to offer a new service (those who do not offer it yet) because is very safe, fast and has a unified management software (those who already offer the MDS service).

Besides showing the congress participants the functioning of Medical Dispenser, there were two new developments that were shown at the fair. First, we presented the dispensing trolley for social and health centers and the cabinets to store the MDS, both prepared for 60 patients. Both products can be produced in other sizes upon request.

Our manual preparation blister and management software has been the second novelty. This option is ideal for pharmacists with few patients, as they can start offering MDS manually with our software and blisters. Whenever they think that their patient volume justifies the use of Medical Dispenser, just have to connect the loading machine. The software is exactly the same, so you already have all registered patients, their reports, etc.

Attending to Infarma 2013 has very positive to us. The interest in our products and our company is very high and we are feeling, via the congratulations of pharmacists, that the industry increasingly relies on us and on our products. We take great pride and encouraging us to continue working in this line.

We take this opportunity to announce that Medical Dispenser will be presented in April at Pharmagora-Paris from 6th to 8th and at Pharmintech-Bologna from 17th to 19th April.

Thanks to all who visited us in Infarma this year. For those who didn’t, we expect to see you next year.


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