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Achieving Therapy Compliance

Achieving therapy compliance a world-wide issue to be solve

Adherence to long-term therapy for chronic illnesses in developed countries averages 50%. In developing countries, the rates are even lower. It is undeniable that many patients experience difficulty in following treatment recommendations.

Poor adherence to long-term therapies severely compromises the effectiveness of treatment making this a critical issue in population health both from the perspective of quality of life and of health economics. Interventions aimed at improving adherence would provide a significant positive return on investment through primary prevention (of risk factors) and secondary prevention of adverse health outcomes.

Because most of the care needed for chronic conditions is based on patient self-management (usually requiring complex multi-therapies), use of medical technology for monitoring, and changes in the patient’s lifestyle, patients face several potentially life-threatening risks if not appropriately supportedby the health system.

Health outcomes cannot be accurately assessed if they are measured predominantly by resource utilization indicators and efficacy of interventions. The population health outcomes predicted by treatment efficacy data cannot be achieved unless adherence rates are used to inform planning and project evaluation.

Studies consistently find significant cost-savings and increases in the effectiveness of health interventions that are attributable to low-cost interventions for improving adherence. Without a system that addresses the determinants of adherence, advances in biomedical technology will fail to realize their potential to reduce the burden of chronic illness. Access to medications is necessary but insufficient initself for the successful treatment of disease.

Improving therapy compliance
The ability of patients to follow treatment plans in an optimal manner is frequently compromised by more than one barrier, usually related to different aspects of the problem. These include: the social and economic factors, the health care team/system, the characteristics of the disease, disease therapies and patient-related factors. Solving the problems related to each of these factors is necessary if patients’adherence to therapies is to be improved.

There is no single intervention strategy, or package of strategies that has been shown to be effective across all patients, conditions and settings. Consequently, interventions that target adherence must be tailored to the particular illness-related demands experienced by the patient. To accomplish this, health systems and providers need to develop means of accurately assessing not only adherence, but also those factors that influence it.

Improving adherence requires a continuous and dynamic process. Recent research in the behavioural sciences has revealed that the patient population can be segmented according to level-of-readiness to follow health recommendations. The lack of a match between patient readiness and the practitioner’s attempts at intervention means that treatments are frequently prescribed to patients who are not ready to follow them. Health care providers should be able to assess the patient’s readiness to adhere, provideadvice on how to do it, and follow up the patient’s progress at every contact.

Health providers can have a significant impact by assessing risk of nonadherence and delivering interventions to optimize adherence. To make this practice a reality, practitioners must have access to specific training in adherence management, and the systems in which they work must design and support delivery systems that respect this objective. For empowering health professionals an “adherence counselling toolkit” adaptable to different socioeconomic settings is urgently needed. Such training needs to simultaneously address three topics: knowledge (information on adherence), thinking (the clinical decision-making process) and action (behavioural tools for health professionals).

For the effective provision of care for chronic conditions, it is necessary that the patient, the family and the community who support him or her all play an active role. Social support, i.e. informal or formal support received by patients from other members of their community, has been consistently reported as an important factor affecting health outcomes and behaviours. There is substantial evidence that peer support among patients can improve adherence to therapy while reducing the amount of time devoted by the health professionals to the care of chronic conditions.

A stronger commitment to a multidisciplinary approach is needed to make progress in this area. This will require coordinated action from health professionals, researchers, health planners and policy-makers.

Source: World Health Organization

Medical Dispenser Software


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Testimonials Pharmacy Benazet

Ramón Benazet (Pharmacy Benazet in Sitges – Barcelona), is one of the pioneers in Medical Dispenser.

What do you think about Medical Dispenser as a solution to improve adherence to treatment?

It is a very good solution for both, the patient that starts in the use of the MDS and therefore will immediately facilitate the adherence to blanktheir prescribed treatment, and the pharmacy which integrates this new system to manage all the patients using this new solution.

In your opinion, which are the most important benefits?

The patient doesn’t need to worry about having to be constantly trying to remember how many tablets to take and at what time of the day. Therefore it offers total security in the correct fulfillment of what the doctor has prescribed.  The pharmacy counts with an “integrated system” machine-software, which helps the pharmacists in an easy and intuitive way to manage: patients, treatments, historical changes, control stocks of medicines assigned to each patient and the history of all SPD delivered.

Regarding mistakes, do you think it’s a safe system?

I think the error is reduced to a minimum or is virtually zero as long as the processes of usage are followed, both for the preparation of medicines before loading machine, and during operation with the machine. Therefore I consider it a safe method.

How does Medical Dispenser fit within your value proposition? Do you think it adds value to your patients and/or their families?

Adherence is essential to obtain the expected results in the treatment and/or maintenance of any pathology. Therefore, any system that facilitates such compliance has a fundamental value for the patient, as in the case of geriatric patients, and for relatives, which have a simple, secure and fast way to have a more control.

blankWhat host is having Medical Dispenser among your customers?

Good, as long as the benefits of starting with this system are properly explained. In family caregivers, the reception is very good as they are discharged of responsibility and the time required preparing medication for their relatives.

And finally, how do you see the dispensation of MDS in a few years?

I think it will increase, for which we must be constantly evolving the Medical Dispenser system to accommodate a larger number of patients who use it.


Testimonials Pharmacy Sanchez Zubizarreta

What do you think about Medical Dispenser as a solution to improve adherence to treatment?

It is a more professional way to present the monitored dosage system and helping to improve treatment compliance.

In your opinion, which are the most important benefits?

It is a fairly simple and clear system for MDS preparation and easy to use by the patients.

Regarding mistakes, do you think it’s a safe system?

Any system can have their mistakes; however I think that following the protocol they can be minimized, as it is very safe.

How does Medical Dispenser fit within your value proposition? Do you think it adds value to your patients and/or their families?

The value for us is offering a more professional service that gives us patient loyalty. In addition, both patients and family members find it is an easier and safer way to follow treatment compliance.

What host is having Medical Dispenser among your customers?

We are just starting but the felling is good.

And finally, how do you see the dispensation of MDS in a few years?

I think that it can become a tool linked our profession, community pharmacy.


Testimonials Pharmacy Juan Marimón Simó

What do you think about Medical Dispenser as a solution to improve adherence to treatment?

It is a very effective solution. The way the patient, is taking the medication clearly improves with Medical Dispenser.

In your opinion, which are the most important benefits?

Ease and correct organization of the daily dosage.

Regarding mistakes, do you think it’s a safe system?

It is a very safe and reliable system; errors are minimal and can be easily corrected.

How does Medical Dispenser fit within your value proposition? Do you think it adds value to your patients and/or their families?

It is another service offered by the pharmacy that increases the quality of our attention. Patients and their families are grateful for this service.

What host is having Medical Dispenser among your customers?

The welcome has been great among the regular patients. It is more difficult to get access new patients because there is not much information on MDS.

And finally, how do you see the dispensation of MDS in a few years?

We believe it is a system that should be implemented, promoted and will be generalized in a few years for its many benefits.